
the last是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

the last

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the last显示所有例句det.

1.最后的;最末的;末尾的happening or coming after all other similar things or people

We caught the last bus home.我们赶上了回家的末班公共汽车。

It's the last house on the left.是左边尽头那栋房子。

She was last to arrive.她是最后到的。

2.[obn]最近的;上一个的most recent

last night/Tuesday/month/summer/year昨晚;上个星期二;上个月;刚过去的夏季;去年

her last book她最近出版的书

This last point is crucial.刚讲的这一点是关键的。

The last time I saw him was in May.我上次见到他是在五月份。

3.[obn]仅剩下的;最终的only remaining

This is our last bottle of water.这是我们最后的一瓶水了。

He knew this was his last hope of winning.他知道这是他取胜的最后希望。

4.(强调)最不可能的,最不适当的used to emphasize that sb/sth is the least likely or suitable

The last thing she needed was more work.她最不需要的就是更多的工作。

He's the last person I'd trust with a secret.我要是有什么秘密,告诉谁也不能告诉他。

IDMbe on your/its last legs濒临死亡;奄奄一息;行将就木;快不能用了to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad condition

I haven't seen him since the summer before last.我已有两个夏天没见过他了。

the day, week, month, etc. before last前天;上上星期;上上月;两天(或两周等)以前the day, week, etc. just before the most recent one; two days, weeks, etc. ago

I haven't seen him since the summer before last.我已有两个夏天没见过他了。

We spent every last penny we had on the house.我们把所有的钱都花在房子上了。

every last…(某群体中的)每一个,全部every person or thing in a group

We spent every last penny we had on the house.我们把所有的钱都花在房子上了。

have the last laugh(在本未指望时)笑在最后,取得最后胜利to be successful when you were not expected to be, making your opponents look stupid

In the last resort we can always walk home.顶多我们走回家就是了。

in the last resort作为最后的一招when there are no other possible courses of action

In the last resort we can always walk home.顶多我们走回家就是了。

your/the last gasp奄奄一息;苟延残喘;临终;垂死the point at which you/sth can no longer continue living, fighting, existing, etc.

They changed the plans at the last minute.事到临头他们却改变了计划。

Don't leave your decision to the last moment.别等到最后一刻才来作决定。

the last minute/moment(重大事情前的)最后一刻,紧要关头the latest possible time before an important event

They changed the plans at the last minute.事到临头他们却改变了计划。

Don't leave your decision to the last moment.别等到最后一刻才来作决定。

I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.其他人我都试过了,现在就靠你了。

a/your last resort最后可依赖的人(或事物)the person or thing you rely on when everything else has failed

I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.其他人我都试过了,现在就靠你了。

These apartments are the last word in luxury.这些寓所最为豪华。

the last word (in sth)最新(或时髦、先进等)的事物the most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc. thing

These apartments are the last word in luxury.这些寓所最为豪华。


1.最后;最终;终结after anyone or anything else; at the end

He came last in the race.这次赛跑他得了最后一名。

They arrived last of all.他们来得比谁都晚。

2.最新;最近;上一次most recently

When did you see him last?你最后一次是什么时候见过他?

I saw him last/I last saw him in New York two years ago.我上一次是两年前在纽约见到他的。

They last won the cup in 2006.他们上一次获得奖杯是在 2006 年。


Last but not least, I'd like to thank all the catering staff.最后但同样重要的是,我要感谢所有的餐饮工作人员。

last but not least(提及最后的人或事物时说)最后但同样重要的used when mentioning the last person or thing of a group, in order to say that they are not less important than the others

Last but not least, I'd like to thank all the catering staff.最后但同样重要的是,我要感谢所有的餐饮工作人员。

last in, first out(形容裁员等情况)最后雇用的人最先被解雇,后来者先走used, for example in a situation when people are losing their jobs, to say that the last people to be employed will be the first to gon.

1.最后来的人(或发生的事)the person or thing that comes or happens after all other similar people or things

Sorry I'm late─am I the last?对不起,我来晚了。我是最后到的人吗?

They were the last to arrive.他们是最后到达的人。

2.~ of sth仅剩下的部分(或事项)the only remaining part or items of sth

These are the last of our apples.这是我们最后剩下的几个苹果。


At last we're home!我们终于到家了!

At long last the cheque arrived.支票终于到了。

at (long) last(经过长时间的延误或努力等之后)终于,最终after much delay, effort, etc.; in the end

At last we're home!我们终于到家了!

At long last the cheque arrived.支票终于到了。

That was the last I ever saw of her.那是我最后一次见到她。

Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair.遗憾的是,我认为这件事还没有了结。

hear/see the last of sb/sth最后一次听见(或看见)to hear/see sb/sth for the last time

That was the last I ever saw of her.那是我最后一次见到她。

Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair.遗憾的是,我认为这件事还没有了结。

The last I heard he was still working at the garage.我最近听到的消息是他还在汽车修理厂工作。

the last I heard(提供最新消息时说)我最近听到的消息used to give the most recent news you have about sb/sth

The last I heard he was still working at the garage.我最近听到的消息是他还在汽车修理厂工作。

She finished second to last.她得了倒数第二。

next/second to last倒数第二the one before the last one

She finished second to last.她得了倒数第二。

He died protesting his innocence to the last.他至死都坚决辩称自己无罪。

to/till the last直到最后一刻;(尤指)直至死亡until the last possible moment, especially until death

He died protesting his innocence to the last.他至死都坚决辩称自己无罪。


1.[i]持续;继续;延续to continue for a particular period of time

The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes.会议只开了几分钟。

Each game lasts about an hour.每场比赛约一小时。

How long does the play last?那出戏要演多长时间?

2.[i][t]继续存在;持续起作用;持久to continue to exist or to function well

This weather won't last.这种天气持续不了多久。

He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts.现在他正加紧努力,我希望他能坚持下去。

These shoes should last you till next year.你这双鞋应该能穿到明年。

3.[i][t](在困境等中)坚持下去;超越(困境等)to survive sth or manage to stay in the same situation, despite difficulties

She won't last long in that job.她那份工作干不了多久。

Can you last (out) until I can get help?你能支撑到我找来帮手吗?

Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night(= she will probably die before the morning) .医生都说她很可能活不过今晚。

He was injured early on and didn't last the match.他开赛后不久就受了伤,没法坚持到底。

4.[i][t]够用,足够维持(尤指某段时间)to be enough for sb to use, especially for a particular period of time

Will the coffee last out till next week?咖啡够喝到下周吗?

We've got enough food to last us (for) three days.我们的食物足够维持三天。


1.最后的 zone: 地区 the last: 最后的 in fact: 事实上 ...


3.最后一个 ... 我们会在一起 We'll Be Together 你是第一个,最后一个,我的全部 You're The First,The Last,My Everyt…

4.最近 interactive mode 交互模式 the last 最近 triple-quotes 三引号 ...

5.末后的 ... The First 至先的 The Last 末后的 The Manifest,The All Victorious 明证的 ...

6.那最后的 ... Preliminary shiver,passed 那最初的一颤,过去了 A solitary truck,the last 孤独的火车,那最后的 ...

7.一个朝代的末期 (8) 物之幼嫩者[ young] (2) 末,一个朝代的末期[ the last] (5) 泛指弟弟[ young brother] ...


1.I tried to remember the last time he'd stayed away like this, without an excuse, a phone call. . . He never had.我试图在记忆中找寻过往他不来也没有理由与来电的记录……但他从来没这么做过。

2.In the last night SNL show, Tina Fey has thrown a joke on Justin that, two years ago, he was one of the babies in 'Baby Mama'.在昨晚《周六夜现场》的节目中,蒂娜•菲对贾斯汀开了个玩笑说,在两年前,他还是只是“妈妈宝宝”中的一员。

3.The last seven months have been a pleasure and a privilege for me to serve this fantastic sporting institution.我真的很荣幸这七个月来能在如此优秀的体育俱乐部手下和这么优秀的团队一起工作。

4.My guess is probably not and that Mr Papandreou's efforts will come to be regarded as the last real attempt to save the country.我本人的猜想是希腊可能不具备上述条件,而人们会把帕潘德里欧的努力,视作拯救希腊最后的真正努力。

5.If you are the last to leave, please don't forget to lock the door.如果你是最后一个离开的,请别忘了要锁门。

6.Now that same powerful focus is going to see you through the last challenges duality has left in store for you.目前这一样有力量的认识焦点正在带着你们经过这末了二元世界的挑战。

7.We don't want anyone to think the testing of these 33 products is the last word on which lipsticks contain lead.我们并不希望任何人认为这个关于33个产品的测试能够为唇膏中含铅下最后的定论。

8.The last days of Prince Andrey had been a close bond between Natasha and Princess Marya.安德烈公爵临终前的那些日子,把娜塔莎和玛丽亚公爵小姐连系在一起。

9.Be prepared to stand your ground firmly, yet cordially, especially in the last few minutes of the negotiations.要准备好牢牢地站在你的立场上,仍然保持诚恳,特别是在谈判的最后几分钟里。

10.He's done nothing but good over the last couple of weeks when he's been fit enough to train and he did well enough against Sparta last week.在足够健康参加训练之后,过去两周里面他做了很好的事情,而上星期对阵斯巴达他也做得足够地好。